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Welcome to the online home of the
Alburgh Family Clubhouse
a full day, full year, high-quality childcare and early learning center for infants, toddler, preschoolers, school age children and  their families on Missile Base Road off Rte 2 in Alburgh

           opening in 2025

Be Part of Our Community Solution to Child Care and Early Education!

The Alburgh Family Clubhouse Board welcomes contributions as we prepare to open
and offer a high quality early childhood and afterschool program in fall 2025!


With the help and support of the Alburgh community, we have secured over $3 million in federal, state and local funds to build and equip the AFC facility. Construction is underway! We're continuing to raise funds to add to the basic playground and classroom equipment in our construction budget. Every donation, large and small, adds to what we will have available for children, families, and the community when we open our doors.

Thank you!

Our Clubhouse.
Our Community.

The Alburgh Family Clubhouse addresses the urgent need for local childcare and early learning, including infant, toddler, preschool, and afterschool programs. The Clubhouse is focused on fun and engaging activities for kids advancing educational achievement for all students. In partnership with the Parent Child Center at Northwest Counseling and Support Services, we’ll providing the community with a variety of valuable parenting resources and connections right here in Alburgh.

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